Luca Parisiis responsible for dimensional testing at Vsystem, which involves verifyingthat pieces conform with client requirements.
“What Ilove about my job is identifying and resolving the problem, steering theoperator towards better management of the piece”, begins Luca. I’veworked at Vsystem for four years, after a long period verifying lift motors. Iwas looking for a new challenge and had the opportunity to move into this role,where I scan the pieces aboard cars competing in championships like F1,Indycar, endurance, and rally or checking the efficiency of a Halo thatguarantees driver safety. It’s really interesting and engaging work.”
But what does this fundamental control role at Vsystemactually entail? “My work involves scanning 80% of pieces that we produce andverifying them using GOM Athos”, continues Parisi. “We’re talking about amachine with extraordinary characteristics that has extremely low margins oferror compared to other machines. One of the advantages of GOM is actually thelack of junctions, which means the error is reduced thanks to the benefits thefixed system offers. Using such a sophisticated machine is definitely one ofthe plus points of my work, as the recurring controls give us answers in a veryshort space of time.”
Luca’s path has not been conventional, starting with histraining, but his extensive experience in different professional settings is ofreal value to Vsystem, as is the passion he brings to his work inside thecompany.
“I trained as an electronics technician and what I loveabout this job is finding the error and fixing it. I’m not looking forthird-party errors but the error itself; the problem that isn’t immediatelyidentifiable but that prevents the component from being correctly mounted, fromworking properly or from satisfying the client’s rigid parameters. A challengethat involves studying the piece, pinpointing the problem, and identifying asolution. I find that in my role, sometimes the errors are reported and sometimesthey need to be identified within a context of very tight tolerances. The highlevel of precision means that we could mount a piece even where there areerrors, though even the slightest of errors might have consequences during therace and, more generally, in the high-performance contexts in which we work.Not to mention compliance with the client’s project requirements, which remainthe focus of Vsystem’s attention as it develops the business.”